Senior sex and health problems
Lowering levels of testosterone is not the only reason an older man can experience loss of libido. Often psychological factors can be responsible for low sex drive, including stress , anxiety, l ow self-esteem and depression. Relationship problems, issues around gender identity, sexual orientation or relationship issues with your partner can also negatively affect your sex drive. If you’re worried about your loss of libido, it is worth reducing unhealthy habits such as:
underlying medical conditions, such as high blood pressure, underactive thyroid and diabetes, can also bring about a reduced libido. Certain medications can also affect your sex drive, including antidepressants, antipsychotics and medication for seizures.
Although recognized as a fundamental driving force, human sexuality is frequently misunderstood and particularly in the elders, neglected. [ 1 ] human beings are actually never too old to enjoy a happy and healthy sex life. Despite this, many people , young and old alike, are astounded at the idea of people remaining sexually active in their sixties and beyond. It is frequently assumed that elder persons lose their sexual desires or that they are physically unable to perform. For the elders, the ability to remain sexually active is a major concern in their lives. Fear about the loss of sexual prowess in older males is common.
When doctors evaluate sexual dysfunction in their patients, they will obtain a complete social, sexual, and medical history. They will look for common health issues that many seniors face like coronary artery disease, atherosclerotic disease, or any other chronic diseases that seniors may face. It may be a good idea to include the patient’s partner or significant other with this assessment to determine which treatment would be most appropriate for their relationship. Your doctor will perform a comprehensive physical examination with laboratory screening. Sometimes a primary care provider will diagnose without a basic health care assessment, or comprehensive workup leading to an underlying pathology being overlooked.
Senior sex and emotional issues
Your skin is your largest sex organ. Your body is a wonderland of sensation. Seeing sexual expression as solely one set of genitals entering another set of genitals limits the possibilities of sex. Erections may become undependable as we age. If we limit our sexual expression to penetration, we’ll have less sex.
Anxiety about erections being hard enough or lasting long enough causes even more erectile undependability. Performance anxiety is an erection killer. Medical issues – age-related or not – may make intercourse impossible. We have to switch to a different kind of sex, or we won’t have sex at all.
Guide to Sex After 60
Before resuming sex, talk with your doctor. Be guided by their advice, but general suggestions include: talk about your expectations, fears and feelings. A couple can solve most relationship problems if they communicate frankly with each other. Take it easy, and try not to put too much pressure on yourselves. Focus on pleasure, rather than technique. You may need to change your earlier style of lovemaking for a while. For example, if penis-in-vagina sex isn’t possible, experiment with other sexual activities including oral sex and mutual masturbation. Concentrate on boosting the romance in your relationship. Suggestions include remembering to appreciate and compliment each other, offering lots of affection (such as kissing and cuddling) and celebrating special occasions such as birthdays and anniversaries.
You should talk to your doctor if you are experiencing delayed ejaculation because they can provide reassurance, assess to identify the cause and offer management options. It can also help to talk to your partner and include your partner when you talk to a health professional. It is important to remember that ejaculation problems are common and are nothing to be embarrassed or shy about. Find a health service — the service finder can help you find doctors, pharmacies, hospitals and other health services.
If you’re experiencing symptoms of low testosterone, talk to your doctor to schedule trt. This comprehensive treatment plan can help in managing low serum testosterone and improve sex drive in men.
At this point, doctors don't really know whether the physiologic decline in hormones with aging is normal and healthy, or whether it should be treated. With a number of ongoing large-scale studies underway, there's new data emerging all the time about whether and how to supplement hormones. In the meantime, it's essential to talk with your primary care doctor about treating any symptoms you experience — and just as important to prevent or manage symptoms by taking good care of yourself.