Surgical Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction (ed) is very common, affecting more than 30 million men in the u. S. However, it is now possible to treat almost all men with ed. Washington university urologists offer the complete spectrum of treatment options for men with erectile dysfunction (ed). Options range from pharmaceutical agents to injections, suppositories, vacuum devices, penile revascularization surgery, peyronie’s disease surgery and penile prostheses that are surgically implanted. Our urologists have vast clinical experience with ed as one of the busiest and most experienced centers for implant surgery in the midwest.
We also offer a multidisciplinary approach, which employs the combined expertise of urologists, interventional radiologists, endocrinologists and psychologists when it comes to making a diagnosis and developing a treatment plan.
“brian” is a 66-year-old shaker heights resident who has worked as a surgical technologist for over 40 years. He’s been with his current girlfriend for 15 years. Brian was in his mid-fifties when he was diagnosed with both type 2 diabetes and erectile dysfunction (ed). Ed is the inability of a man to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance. Certain health conditions can cause ed, among them diabetes, heart disease, obesity and high cholesterol. In brian’s case, his late-diagnosed diabetes was the cause of his ed. Like most men with newly diagnosed ed, brian initially tried correcting the condition using the least invasive treatment options.
What Are the Surgical Options for Erectile Dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction: it’s common, and it’s treatable. If you are dealing with ed, you are not alone: nearly one in every four men over sixty years of age will experience some degree of erectile dysfunction. Younger men often struggle with ed as well. By taking the time to become involved in discussing ed, you’ve made an important first step in finding a solution to erectile dysfunction. There’s a lot to learn and many options to consider, so let’s get started. Making an appointment with dr. Clavijo
Clavijo is fellowship trained in andrology (having also completed a urology residency) and strives to practice up-to-date evidence based medicine when treating patients with erectile dysfunction.
Being able to have and maintain an erection during sexual intercourse can be important to a man’s ego and a source of self-confidence. It can also affect intimacy for a couple. However, men should know they are not alone. An estimated 30 million middle-aged and older u. S. Men have erectile dysfunction (ed). This condition is characterized by the inability to get and keep an erection firm enough to have sex. It is often treated with medications such as viagra, cialis and levitra, as well as other treatment options that include penile injection therapy, and a vacuum erection device.
Yes, very well. Satisfaction rates for patients and their partners in most studies is well above 90 percent. Çayan s, aşcı r, efesoy o, bolat ms, akbay e, yaman ö. Comparison of long-term results and couples' satisfaction with penile implant types and brands: lessons learned from 883 patients with erectile dysfunction who underwent penile prosthesis implantation. J sex med. 2019 jul;16(7):1092-1099.
Venogenic dysfunction is often suspected during evaluation by the finding of a sub-optimal erectile response to intracavernosal injection despite a normal arterial response on duplex doppler sonography ( 129 ). The presence of persistent end-diastolic flow of greater than 5 cm/sec on duplex sonography may signify venous leak ed. Appropriate conduct of duplex sonography requires repeat dosing of erectogenic agents; this is omitted by some practitioners and may contribute to a false positive finding of venous leak in a patient who would have a normal response to repeat dosing ( 129 ). The gold standard confirmatory test for the diagnosis of venous leak ed is dynamic infusion cavernosometry and cavernosography (dicc).