Reporting sexual health problems
The ucsf male sexual & reproductive health center provides comprehensive evaluation and care for all types of male fertility problems. We specialize in microsurgical procedures and medical treatments for conditions including blockages in the reproductive system, mechanical problems with ejaculation, and low sperm production. Other specialized offerings include electroejaculation for men with spinal injuries and a variety of surgical procedures to reverse vasectomies, with sperm banking at surgery, as well as vassal, epididymal and testicular sperm retrieval.
We strive to provide individualized care that is both compassionate and innovative.
Gender-expansive people are more likely than the general population to drink alcohol and smoke, and these behaviors are often linked to the high levels of discrimination and lack of acceptance faced by trans individuals in our society. This is a very important health concern because the use of these substances is linked to substance use disorder, multiple forms of cancer and conditions of the heart and lungs. Among other dangerous health effects, tobacco use puts people at much higher risk for several cancers. It also contributes to wound healing complications if you decide to proceed with gender affirming surgery.
Support from family doctors
Resource date: 2017
author: unfpa and engender health
this guide is meant to provide guidance for those developing or managing a project or programme to engage men in sexual and reproductive health and rights. It emphasizes the importance of using a gender lens when planning and programming men’s engagement in sexual and reproductive health and rights , including family planning – which means engaging men as clients of sexual and reproductive health services, as supportive partners, and as agents of change. This guide is based on the premise that gender norms and how men and women express them can affect their sexual and reproductive health behaviour.
Changes in sexual behaviour
The first ever systematic review of evidence on the effectiveness of gender-transformative interventions that engage men and boys has been published in bmj global health. The paper suggests that while it is desirable to have interventions engaging men and boys promote gender equality, very few interventions actually do so. Nonetheless, those that do, show promising evidence that they work in improving sexual and reproductive health related behaviours. The review, undertaken by the undp/unfpa/unicef/who/world bank special programme of research, development and research training in human reproduction (hrp) and queen’s university belfast, presents what is known about interventions that engage men
in 2015, teen fatherhood occurred at a rate of 10. 4 births per 1,000 men in this age group. 1 eighty percent of young men aged 15–19 years report that they would be very upset or a little upset if they were to get a female pregnant. 2 when compared with other age groups, young men also are affected disproportionately by sexually transmitted infections (sti). 3young men have an important role to play in promoting adolescent reproductive health. Their involvement in contraceptive decision-making has been shown to increase the use of effective methods of pregnancy and sti prevention. 4-7 cdc has a long history of addressing male reproductive health, convening its first male reproductive health summit, advancing men’s reproductive health in the united states [pdf – 44 pages] , in september 2010.
Do you know the top men's health threats? the list includes heart disease, cancer and unintentional injury. Thankfully, most men's health threats are largely preventable. Make healthy lifestyle choices, such as eating a healthy diet and including physical activity in your daily routine. It's also important to manage risky behavior, such as drinking too much and engaging in casual sex. Of course, commonsense precautions — such as using safety ladders and wearing a seat belt — count, too. As you get older, your men's health concerns are likely to change. Could a beer gut lead to health problems? is male menopause a myth or a true men's health issue? could testosterone therapy help you feel young again? get answers to these and other men's health questions.