Here’s how you can make your semen taste better
Ddpcr was carried out in order to determine the relative expression of selected taste genes belonging to the tas2r family in human sperm collected from 15 normozoospermic men, whose main sperm parameters resulted within the range of normality, according to who criteria [ 31 ]: sperm concentration was 32. 7 × 106 (range 21 × 106–47 × 106), total sperm motility was 53% (range 36–68%), and typical morphology was 7% (range 4–10%).
After total rna isolation from ejaculated sperm, the expression of tas2r3, tas2r4, tas2r14, tas2r19, and tas2r43 was measured and normalized to four reference genes (ppib, gapdh, act-b, and b2m).
But there are a few things you can eat and drink to smell and taste “better.”
Tangy yet sweet milky texture. Mostly bitter i’d say, sometimes a little sweetness to it. I like my boys to have something sweet like pineapple juice or coconut juice or both. Body armor makes a coconut pineapple drink it’s perfect. I think most of the time it’s a sweet delicious taste. If a guy has something not desirable to eat or is dehydrated i can’t really describe the taste because there’s nothing like it. I’m obsessed with the taste of come.
Pre-come is out of control delicious it’s like liquid candy for me. Learn: how to
a blow job.
Sometimes, funny stories really bring out the wonder of the human body. You can get orgasms triggered in your feet , because of overlap in the sensory cortex. Receptors that are involved in narcolepsy are also involved in how much you eat. And knocking out receptors that regulate taste. Can make you sterile? who knew? (figure 2a from the paper) mosinger et al. "genetic loss or pharmacological blockade of testes-expressed taste genes causes male sterility" pnas, 2013. Let's start with taste. We taste because the chemicals in foods hit receptors on our tongues. Receptors for sweet, salt, bitter, sour, and umami (which can commonly be thought of as "savory").