What Are the Benefits of Obtaining an EB-2 Green Card After Completing a Master's Degree?


Posted on 25-10-2023 05:25 PM

The EB-2 green card is an incredible opportunity for those who have recently earned a master's degree. Obtaining this kind of green card brings with it many benefits, from increased job opportunities to more freedom in the United States.


Firstly, having an EB-2 green card after a master's degree opens up access to higher paying jobs and better career prospects. Employers are often willing to offer higher salaries and more attractive positions when they know that the employee has permanent residency status. This can be especially beneficial for those looking for a job in a competitive field such as engineering or medicine.


Additionally, obtaining an EB-2 green card offers more freedom while living in the U.S. Those with this type of visa are allowed to travel abroad for longer periods of time without worrying about their visas expiring or needing to reapply each time they leave the country. They also have access to certain government benefits such as healthcare and financial aid which may not be available to other immigrants on different visas.


Moreover, if someone holds an EB-2 green card it gives them greater stability when it comes to their immigration status which can allow them peace of mind knowing that they won't need to worry about being suddenly sent back home if circumstances change. For people who may be worried about political unrest in their home countries, this can provide them with much needed security and assurance that their residency in the U.S will remain intact no matter what happens elsewhere in the world.


Finally, having an EB-2 green card allows individuals to apply for U.S citizenship after five years of living in the country if desired - something which would not be possible without first obtaining this type of visa status. This provides a pathway towards becoming a fully fledged American citizen and gaining all the rights and freedoms associated with it; something which many immigrants strive towards achieving but may not be able to do so without first getting their hands on an EB-2 Green Card after completing a master's degree program at university level education institution like college or university .

All things considered, there are definitely numerous advantages associated with obtaining an EB-2 Green Card after earning a master's degree; from increased job prospects and freedom while living in America ,to greater stability regarding immigration status as well as potentially being able to become an American citizen down the line .